Gist for:
Source Code
# the one and only Dev.E.L'Peer
# Python 3.10 introduced a new match construct,
# which matches static values and supports tuple expansion
def http_error(status):
Simple Match Statement. Matches static values
:param status:
:return: Status String
match status:
case 400:
return "Bad request"
case 401:
return "Unauthorized"
case 403:
return "Forbidden"
case 404:
return "Not found"
case _:
return "Other error"
def p1(*args):
Match with expression (tuple or iterable) unpacking
:param args:
match args:
case x, y:
print(f"X={x}, Y={y}")
# empty params will match empty tuple
case ():
case c:
print("==>Not 2 args", c)
match args:
case [x, y]:
print(f"LIST X={x}, Y={y}")
# empty params will match empty list
case []:
print("LIST ==>[]")
case _:
print("LIST ==>Not 2 args")
match args:
case x, y:
print(f"NONE X={x}, Y={y}")
# empty params will not match None
case None:
print("NONE ==>[]")
case (c, ):
print("NONE ==>Not 2 args", c)
p1(401, 600)
p1(401, )
p1(401, None)
p1(None, 401)
class Point:
Simple calss with 2 attributes
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args):
self.x = args[0]
if len(args) > 1:
self.y = args[1]
x: int
y: int
def match_with_classes(point):
Matching with classes
:param point:
match point:
case Point(x=var, y=variable) if variable == 9:
print("Match with a guard for y=9 ", var, variable)
case Point(x=var, y=variable):
print("match with 2 'capture variables'", var, variable)
case Point():
print("Empty Point")
case _:
print("Not a point")
match_with_classes(Point(0, 9)) # y = 9
match_with_classes(Point(0, 0)) # copture variables
match_with_classes(Point()) # empty point
match_with_classes("developer") # not a point
def match_with_lists(*args):
Matching with dicts
:param args:
match args:
case x,:
# the * will match all other variabels
case x, y, z, *_:
print(f"X={x}, Y={y}, Z={z}")
case x, *_, y:
print(f"X={x}, Y={y}")
case ():
case c:
print("==>Not 2 args", c)
match_with_lists(0, 1)
match_with_lists(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
def match_with_dicts(point):
match point:
case Point(x=0, y=o):
return ("Matches Point(x:0,y:0)")
case {"x": 0, "y": 0, **rest}:
return ("Matches {x:0,y:0} ", rest, list(rest.keys()))
case _:
return ("No Match")
print(match_with_dicts(Point(0, 0)))
print(match_with_dicts({"x": 0, "y": 0}))
print(match_with_dicts({"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 89}))
## Enum Matching
from enum import Enum
class Color(Enum):
RED = 'red'
GREEN = 'green'
BLUE = 'blue'
## Confusing example (the capture variable name "green" is arbitrary)
red = "red"
def x2(x):
match x:
case green:
print("found", green)
After running the above code snippet, you will get this output
>>> Bad request
>>> X=401, Y=600
>>> LIST X=401, Y=600
>>> NONE X=401, Y=600
>>> ==>()
>>> LIST ==>[]
>>> ==>Not 2 args (401,)
>>> LIST ==>Not 2 args
>>> NONE ==>Not 2 args 401
>>> ==>Not 2 args (401,)
>>> LIST ==>Not 2 args
>>> NONE ==>Not 2 args 401
>>> X=401, Y=None
>>> LIST X=401, Y=None
>>> NONE X=401, Y=None
>>> X=None, Y=401
>>> LIST X=None, Y=401
>>> NONE X=None, Y=401
>>> Match with a guard for y=9 0 9
>>> match with 2 'capture variables' 0 0
>>> Empty Point
>>> Not a point
>>> X=0
>>> X=0, Y=1
>>> X=0, Y=1, Z=2
>>> No Match
>>> Matches Point(x:0,y:0)
>>> ('Matches {x:0,y:0} ', {}, [])
>>> ('Matches {x:0,y:0} ', {'z': 89}, ['z'])
>>> Color.RED
>>> Failed
>>> found red