Gist for:
Source Code
# the one and only Dev.E.L'Peer
# This gist explores how function invocations affect variable scopes
from copy import copy, deepcopy
x = 10
def func_in_func():
outer_var = 99
print(f"Are outer variables accessible? [outer_var = {x}]")
def inner_func():
print(f"Are outer variables accessible? [outer_var = {outer_var}]")
print(f"Are outer variables accessible? [outer_var = {x}]")
def name_collision_variable_hoisting():
# this will throw an error because the name collides with
# global namespace and the var havsnt been initialsed yet
print(f" During execution:x :{x}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Attempting to use the variable 'x' will throw the error:[{e}]")
x = 11
print(f"During execution:x :{x}")
print(f"\n{'=' * 25}\nBefore execution: x :{x}") # global
name_collision_variable_hoisting() # local
print(f"After execution: x :{x}") # global
# Do functions get called by value or called by reference
print(f"\n{'== ' * 25}\nSimple Dict pass by reference\n{'== ' * 25}")
d1 = {"dev": 1, "eloper": 2}
def modify_reference(d):
d["dev"] = "this is modifiable"
if d.get("d1"):
d["d1"]["dev"] = "Does modifying this work?"
print(f"Value of 'd1' before invocation is:{d1}")
print(f"Value of 'd1' after invocation is:{d1}")
# How does pass by reference impact primitives
x = 100
def modify_param(y):
return y
print("Does pass by reference mess things up for primitives? Of course not",x,modify_param(x),x)
# How does pass by reference impact objects
z = [100]
def modify_object(y):
z[0] = 1000
return z
print("Does pass by reference mess things up for objects? Of course YES!!",x,modify_object(z),z)
# Make a deep copy to prevent modification
print(f"\n{'== ' * 25}\nSimple Dict pass shallow copy\n{'== ' * 25}")
d2 = {"dev": 1, "eloper": 2}
print(f"Value of 'd2' before invocation is:{d2}")
print(f"Value of 'd2' after invocation is:{d2}")
print(f"\n{'== ' * 25}\nObject with internal object\n{'== ' * 25}")
d2["d1"] = {"dev": 1, "eloper": 2}
print(f"Value of 'd2' before invocation is:{d2}")
print(f"Value of 'd2' after invocation is:{d2}")
print(f"\n{'== ' * 25}\nObject with internal object -> do a deep copy\n{'== ' * 25}")
d2["d1"] = {"dev": 1, "eloper": 2}
print(f"Value of 'd2' before invocation is:{d2}")
print(f"Value of 'd2' after invocation is:{d2}")
# local and gloabl "namespaces".. "honking great idea" - my a$$
def test_locals():
inner_var = 10
l = locals()
inner_var_2 = 90
print("Locals and will now contain 'inner_var_2', So will l. \nlocals()=",locals(),"\nl=", l)
print("Can modify values in l:", l["inner_var"],l["inner_var_2"])
print("But not local variables", inner_var, inner_var_2 )
After running the above code snippet, you will get this output
>>> Are outer variables accessible? [outer_var = 10]
>>> Are outer variables accessible? [outer_var = 99]
>>> Are outer variables accessible? [outer_var = 10]
>>> =========================
>>> Before execution: x :10
>>> Attempting to use the variable 'x' will throw the error:[local variable 'x' referenced before assignment]
>>> During execution:x :11
>>> After execution: x :10
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Simple Dict pass by reference
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Value of 'd1' before invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}
>>> Value of 'd1' after invocation is:{'dev': 'this is modifiable', 'eloper': 2}
>>> Does pass by reference mess things up for primitives? Of course not 100 1000 100
>>> Does pass by reference mess things up for objects? Of course YES!! 100 [1000] [1000]
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Simple Dict pass shallow copy
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Value of 'd2' before invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}
>>> Value of 'd2' after invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Object with internal object
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Value of 'd2' before invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2, 'd1': {'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}}
>>> Value of 'd2' after invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2, 'd1': {'dev': 'Does modifying this work?', 'eloper': 2}}
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Object with internal object -> do a deep copy
>>> == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
>>> Value of 'd2' before invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2, 'd1': {'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}}
>>> Value of 'd2' after invocation is:{'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2, 'd1': {'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}}
>>> Globals===> {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x1061a4c10>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': '/Users/amit/PROJ/pub/bin/../../gistAnotherRepo/src/', '__cached__': None, 'copy': <function copy at 0x1062069e0>, 'deepcopy': <function deepcopy at 0x106237e20>, 'x': 100, 'func_in_func': <function func_in_func at 0x1062068c0>, 'name_collision_variable_hoisting': <function name_collision_variable_hoisting at 0x106244310>, 'd1': {'dev': 'this is modifiable', 'eloper': 2}, 'modify_reference': <function modify_reference at 0x1062443a0>, 'modify_param': <function modify_param at 0x106244430>, 'z': [1000], 'modify_object': <function modify_object at 0x1062444c0>, 'd2': {'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2, 'd1': {'dev': 1, 'eloper': 2}}, 'test_locals': <function test_locals at 0x106244700>}
>>> ================================================================================
>>> Locals {'inner_var': 10}
>>> Locals and will now contain 'inner_var_2', So will l.
>>> locals()= {'inner_var': 10, 'l': {...}, 'inner_var_2': 90}
>>> l= {'inner_var': 10, 'l': {...}, 'inner_var_2': 90}
>>> Can modify values in l: 0.1 0.9
>>> But not local variables 10 90